2013.09.01 Reminder regarding the Set Apart {Holy} Days in the weeks ahead Created by James on 10/12/2013 7:27:27 AM
Reminder regarding the Set Apart {Holy} Days in the weeks ahead
A quick reminder regarding the set apart {Holy} days that are coming
Saturday 7 September -- Day of Trumpets -- Yom Teruah -- high Sabbath -- no secular or commercial activity
Monday 16th (starting at sunset on Sunday 15th -- Day of Atonement -- most set apart day of the year -- high Sabbath -- no secular or commercial activity -- total fast, only drink small quantities of water and may take the bread and wine (grape juice) at intervals in limited quantities
Saturday 21st September -- first day of the Feast of Tabernacles -- Sukkot -- high Sabbath -- no secular or commercial activity -- date of the birth of Yahooshua {Jesus}
following 7 days Sukkot -- a time of feasting
Saturday 28st September -- Great day of the Feast of Tabernacles -- high Sabbath -- no secular or commercial activity -- date that Yahooshua was circumcised -- Priests brought of "living water" into the Temple
I encourage you to observe these days strictly as an act of love toward our loving Father in Heaven
If you have not studied these days as an important insight into Yah's calendar there are several articles on the website that you might like to have a look at.

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